Saturday, January 5, 2013

Corporate Fasting & The Daniel Fast for the 2013 New Year

The Daniel Fast for the 2013 New Year

It’s important that men, women and teens around the world start the New Year with an extended period of prayer and fasting..  It seems that the preferred method of fasting is the Daniel Fast, which is a partial fast where some foods are consumed and others are restricted.
There is no “official” date to start the 21-day New Year fast, but at Dana Marie Ministries,  New Destiny Christian Center and Paula White Ministries we started on January 2nd.  
A corporate fast is when as few as three and as many as thousands of Christians join together for a period of prayer and fasting. Many church leaders call their congregations to a period of corporate prayer and fasting. Likewise, many leaders of Christian causes will ask those called to provoking change in the world through intercession to join in a corporate fast. During this time, those fasting will pray for God’s will to be accomplished in the matter for which they are praying.
But you don’t need to fast with other people. Many individuals choose to start the New Year with a period of prayer and fasting for personal needs or to pray for the needs of those who God has placed in their care. Many husbands and wives choose to start the New Year with prayer and fasting and if they have children who are old enough to be introduced to the spiritual discipline of prayer and fasting, it might be a family practice.
Personally, I think it’s wise to start the New Year with prayer and fasting. The purpose of fasting is to draw closer to God, to pray that His will be done, and to study the Word and the ways of the Lord. In these odd times you and I can either be controlled by circumstances and the tough times – or we can partner with the Lord and through our prayer release His will into our lives and our situations.
If you want to learn more about the Daniel Fast, receive a copy of the Daniel Fast Guidelines or find helpful resources that will assist you toward a successful fast, visit and join with hundreds of thousands of men, women and teens around the world as they focus their lives on God for a powerful period of prayer and fasting.

Daniel Fast Instructions

The Daniel Fast is a totally plant-based way of eating. It’s based on the fasting practices of the prophet’s fasting experiences as recorded in Daniel 1 and Daniel 10, along with typical Jewish fasting principles. So the fast is centered on whole grains, fruits, vegetables, seeds and good quality oils (i.e. olive and canola).  You can also use herbs and seasonings.
The only beverage on the fast is water, but you can use juice and unsweetened soy milk (also rice, almonds, etc) on cereal or in recipes.
To learn more about the food lists, go to and request a copy of the Daniel Fast Guidelines and they will be emailed to you immediately.
Most people do the Daniel Fast for 21 days, however it is not a required length. Many fast for as few as seven days or for as many as 50.
There are no restrictions as to the amount of food you can eat on the Daniel Fast or when you can eat. However, we do want to keep in mind that this is a fast. So I encourage people to eat no more than three moderate meals and two small snacks.
For more information about the Daniel Fast, visit and review this blog. You can also find the Daniel Fast book and Cookbooks as the website.
Be blessed on your fast!

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