Thursday, October 25, 2012

Day 2 of my Fearlessly Fasting journey

Started my day off the same as yesterday Unsweetened Almond milk, banana and pineapple smoothie.   Prayed with prayer line from church @6-7am  on 760.569.7676 access code 166567.  Then with Girlfriends Pray  712-432-0075 Access code 128845# from 7-715am.  

Today was so hard.  It was a co-workers birthday.  OMG!!!!  Cake looked so good especially when people who have low blood sugar crave sweets.  It was funny because not to make it totally known I haven't really spoken about what I'm doing to many.  A piece of the cake just appeared on my desk....LOL... I looked at it and thought maybe just take a bite and push it away.  Then I remembered this is a battle against my flesh and soul.  I pushed the cake away and had to say a little prayer asking God to please give me the strength to get through this.  As always our GOD never leaves us nor forsakes us RIGHT!!  (Deut 31:6). 
I added something new today..Green tea is filled with antioxidants, prevents tooth decay and can also kill of bacteria.

I added something new today.   Green tea is filled with antioxidants, prevents tooth decay and can also kill of bacteria.

I also knew since I'd be making this change I would have to change a few things like my FREE time.  If we're going to make change we have to do it in areas which we know are critical.  For me, it is my emotional and physical well being which is the most important to me right now while taking this spiritual journey.  So, I decided to go to the gym for some light cardio.  What a great choice.  I got really tired after exactly 18 minutes and 52 seconds and split...LOL

When I got home I updated my social networks, chatted with some friends and got into the word to keep busy.  My stomach was making all kinds of noise tonight. They say it gets easier after day 4.  I pray so! 

Fearlessly Fasting, 

Dana Marie

Deuteronomy 31:6

New Living Translation (NLT)
So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lordyour God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.”

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