Friday, October 26, 2012

Day 5 of Fearlessly Fasting

It's day 5.  I have been having a hard time sleeping the past few nights.  My stomach is making all kinds of noise and having issues using the bathroom.  Wasn't sure if this is normal or not, but I feel a whole lot lighter on my feet.  I actually fit into jeans that I haven't worn in forever.  Let me be clear I'm not doing this to lose weight..I guess it's just the added perk of the cleanse.  

I'm also doing 31 days of Prayer and once my new book comes I'll be following it up with Praise.  So excited.  While in bible study yesterday I was praying and fell into the spirit.  WOW even my tongue changed.  I'm in this to win this.  God has to move in my life.  Things haven't been moving and like I told my co-worker, if it is based off something I've done then I want to make sure I'm doing everything possible to hear clear from my Daddy, My God, My Healer, My Provider.  I declare my life is going to be different once this is over.  

Figured once I'm done I would do away with some of my eating habits too.   First off no more red meat.  I don't eat it much, but I know it's time.  Absolutely done with coffee too.

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